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The purpose of this agreement is to clarify your financial responsibilities so we can devote our efforts to helping you as quickly and efficiently as possible.
PAYMENT: Payment is due on the day services are rendered. Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Debit and personal cheques are accepted.
PRIVATE INSURANCE: We offer the option to direct bill for extended benefits. Please sign the form at the back of this form if you wish to be billed directly to your insurance for your services.
CANCELLATION POLICY: A minimum of 24 hours notice is required to cancel an appointment. Otherwise, a missed appointment fee $40 will be charged to the client.
NOTE: The Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) does not provide coverage for our services.
PATIENT AGREEMENT: I have read, understood, and agreed to this financial agreement.

Note: To be completed only by patients desire direct billing to their insurance companies

Electronic Transmission/Billing Authorization and Consent

Consent to collect and exchange personal information:


Personal information that we collect and disclose about you, and if applicable, is used by the insurer, and/or plan administrator of your group benefits plan, its affiliates and their service provider(s) for the purposes of assessing eligibility for your claims, underwriting, investigating, auditing and otherwise administering the group benefits plan, including the investigation of fraud and / or plan abuse and for internal data management and data analytical purposes.

Authorization and consent:

I authorize my healthcare provider “Trinity Rehab & Wellness”, administrative staff & concern authorized personals to collect, use and disclose my personal information concerning any service or medical devices electronic and manual claims on my behalf with the insurer and/or plan administrator and their service provider(s). I agree and authorize Trinity Rehab & Wellness, healthcare provider, administrative staff, insurer and/or plan administrator and their concern authorized personals to exchange personal information with any individual or organization, including healthcare professionals, investigative agencies, insurers and reinsurers, and administrators of government benefits, or other benefits programs, other organizations, or service providers working with such insurer and/or plan administrator or any of the foregoing, when relevant for the above purposes or where applicable concerning any claims with any assignee of benefits payable and exchange personal information for the above purposes electronically or in any other manner. I understand that personal information may be subject to disclosure to those authorized under applicable law. I agree that a photocopy or electronic version of this authorization shall be as valid as original and may remain in effect for continued administration of the group benefits plan.

In the event there is suspicion and/or evidence of fraud and/or plan abuse concerning any claims submitted, I acknowledge and agree that the insurer and/or plan administrator and their service provider(s) may use and disclose relevant personal information to any relevant organization including law enforcement bodies, regulatory bodies, government organizations, medical suppliers and other insurers, and where applicable my employer or benefit plan sponsor, for the purposes of investigation and prevention of fraud and/or benefit plan abuse. I understand that the submission of fraudulent claims is a criminal offence.

If there is an overpayment, I authorize the recovery of the full amount of the overpayment from any amount payable under the group benefits plan, and the exchange of personal information with other persons or organizations, including credit agencies and, where applicable, my benefit plan sponsor for that purpose. If the patient is a person other than myself, I confirm that the patient has given their consent to provide their personal information for the healthcare provider and the insurer and/or plan administrator and their service provider(s) to use and disclose their personal information as set out above. I accept the terms and conditions.

Benefit assignment form:

I hereby assign benefits payable for the eligible claims to the healthcare provider “Trinity Rehab & wellness” responsible for submitting my claims electronically to the benefits plan and I authorize the insurer/plan administrator to issue payment directly to “Trinity Rehab & wellness” healthcare provider. In the event my claim(s) are declined by the insurer/plan administrator, I understand that I remain responsible for payment to the healthcare provider for any services rendered and/ or supplies provided. I acknowledge and agree that the insurer/plan administrator is under no obligation to accept this benefit assignment form, that any benefit payment made in accordance with this benefit assignment form will discharge the insurer/plan administrator of its obligations with respect to that benefit payment, and that in the event the benefit payment is made to me, the insurer/plan administrator will also be discharged of its obligation with respect to that benefit payment.

I understand that this assignment will apply to all eligible claims submitted electronically by my healthcare provider “Trinity Rehab & Wellness” and that I may revoke it at any time by providing written notice to the insurer/plan administrator. If I am a spouse or dependent, I confirm that I am authorized by the plan member to execute an Assignment of Benefit Payments to the healthcare provider.

I accept all mentioned above terms and condition.
To Administrative Staff:

All information contained herein is protected by privacy laws including the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and all the corresponding provincial legislation. All users agree to protect the personal health information contained herein from unauthorized use, disclosure, loss, theft, or compromise in accordance with the above noted laws and with at least the same care employed to protect their own confidential information. Any unauthorized access, disclosure or use of this information is illegal.

Instructions: This form must be filled out when claims are submitted electronically by the provider on the patient’s behalf. Please retain this form in the patient’s file for verification purposes for two years following closure of the patient file.